Missing person cases are grave matters.
When you believe a person in your life has disappeared, it is imperative to act promptly and set a search in motion.
A. Meet with the Authorities
B. Contact Friends and Family members
C. Check Social Media
D. Hang Signs
E. Check Jails and Hospitals
F. Track or Ping their Cell Phones
H. Check the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System
At this juncture, its time to consider hiring a Private Investigator. Without the help of an experienced licensed private investigator, attempting to find a missing person on your own can be a hopeless and an insurmountable undertaking.
One of the most important duties of a Private Investigator in a Missing Persons case is comforting the family. Relatives and friends will be beside themselves with anxiety and worry over the fate of the missing loved one. Having a private investigator at their side will let them know they are not powerless in this situation.
A Private Investigator must calm the family members down so they can aid in the investigation.
Before starting the investigation it is imperative to gather information and get all the pertinent facts on the case.
How long has the person been missing?
How dire or concerning is the case?
What is the person's mental condition? (schizophrenia, depression, drug addiction, senility, autism)
Where was he\she last?
Who are the subject's friends, or romantic involvements?
What are the subject's hobbies or interest?
It is important not to only view still photos of the subject, but also view film and video tape, so that you can study their gait (the manner in which they walk or carry themselves)
How long has the person been missing?
How dire or concerning is the case?
What is the person's mental condition? (schizophrenia, depression, drug addiction, senility, autism)
Where was he\she last?
Who are the subject's friends, or romantic involvements?
What are the subject's hobbies or interest?
It is important not to only view still photos of the subject, but also view film and video tape, so that you can study their gait (the manner in which they walk or carry themselves)
Does the Subject want to be found? A certain number of adults do not want to be found. In these sensitive cases, a private investigator can maintain respect for both parties privacy and will only facilitate contact if it is mutually agreeable.
Locating people who have disappeared can be dangerous. Investigators may confront actual victims of kidnappings or other violent crimes. P.I.'s must be vigilant when conducting (boots on the ground)
investigations. Interviewing witnesses and paying informants should only be done by professionals.
Private Investigators have access to specialized databases and software that the general public is not privileged to. Checking these databases is often the first step an investigator will take conducting a missing person's case.
Private Detectives are able to network with other private detectives around the country and worldwide.
Private Investigators can conduct surveillance on where a missing person is likely to be.
Private Investigators often have access to air, land or sea vehicles that can aid in the search.
It is important to keep in mind that a missing loved one is your first priority, but your local law enforcement agency's focus might be elsewhere. Local Law Enforcement Agency's main goal is to protect and serve the safety of the entire community and often fail to prioritize missing person cases.
They simply lack the resources to fully pursue every person who has gone missing. A Private Investigator can more fully commit to finding you missing family member.
Harness the power of an experienced private investigator who knows all the tricks of the trade and has the skills, resources and dedication to find you lost loved one.
About the Author:
Judd Bank is a former Detective and
Chief Polygraph Examiner for the Queens District Attorney's Office
Currently the President and CEO of CPI Investigations
Locating people who have disappeared can be dangerous. Investigators may confront actual victims of kidnappings or other violent crimes. P.I.'s must be vigilant when conducting (boots on the ground)
investigations. Interviewing witnesses and paying informants should only be done by professionals.
Private Investigators have access to specialized databases and software that the general public is not privileged to. Checking these databases is often the first step an investigator will take conducting a missing person's case.
Private Detectives are able to network with other private detectives around the country and worldwide.
Private Investigators can conduct surveillance on where a missing person is likely to be.
Private Investigators often have access to air, land or sea vehicles that can aid in the search.
It is important to keep in mind that a missing loved one is your first priority, but your local law enforcement agency's focus might be elsewhere. Local Law Enforcement Agency's main goal is to protect and serve the safety of the entire community and often fail to prioritize missing person cases.
They simply lack the resources to fully pursue every person who has gone missing. A Private Investigator can more fully commit to finding you missing family member.
Harness the power of an experienced private investigator who knows all the tricks of the trade and has the skills, resources and dedication to find you lost loved one.
About the Author:
Judd Bank is a former Detective and
Chief Polygraph Examiner for the Queens District Attorney's Office
Currently the President and CEO of CPI Investigations