Private Investigators can be an invaluable aid in providing information to help leverage an attorney's case by finding creative and efficient ways to come out ahead of his/her adversary.
Child custody is an issue that affects everybody involved. Mom, dad, children and other family members. New York State law acknowledges two types of child custody cases:
Legal Custody - the right to make important decisions for the child. Legal decisions would be those which involve where a child will attend school, the religion of the child and what healthcare the child receives.
Physical Custody - purely where the child will live.
When you are facing a vicious or dangerous person on the other side of a child custody case, you may want to hire a private investigator in this field to help in your fight to win custody or renegotiate your originally agreed terms. You might also be able to reduce your child support.
Private Investigators can conduct surveillance in order to document dangerous behavior i.e. spouse driving intoxicated, spouse speeding and running lights, driving erratically and/or picking up drugs with the child in the car.
Private Investigators can also monitor parenting time to make sure there is compliance with the custody agreement. In extreme cases, investigators can look into false accusations of child abuse.
In conclusion, changes in circumstances may warrant changes in legal custody, physical custody, and child support. Private Investigators can provide the ammunition attorneys need to win your case.
About the Author:

Judd Bank is the President of CPI Investigations, a multi-dimensional private investigative firm operating in Manhattan and New Jersey for over 30 years.