Life is unpredictable. You never know what challenge or obstacle is emerging in the future. In life you always have two options; take control or surrender under pressure.
It is not about what happens to you, but instead how you choose to manage stress, pressure and misfortune.
Ships don't sink because of the water around them, ships sink because of the water that gets in them.
Don't let what's happening around you get inside your head and sink you down.
In order to overcome fear, anxiety and worry we must first understand what fear, anxiety and worry is.
Fear is a good thing, we couldn't survive and day without it. Fear is a neurophysiological response to real or perceived threat. Fear activates our fight or flight response by stimulating the hypothalamus which directs the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal system to prepare our bodies for danger. We inherited this from our hunter-gatherer ancestors who needed energy and increased perception when faced by hungry wolves and lions.
The mental alertness and energy produced from the experience of fear is sometimes labeled as anxiety. The feeling of anxiety can be pleasurable like when riding a rollercoaster, however, when we experience those same drops and bumps during an airplane flight we might interpret this feeling as frightful or negative even though air travel is statistically safer than driving a car.
Sometimes our anxiety can even be misplaced. We might feel anxious at work, anticipating or perceiving a potential problem when we are actually in a safe building with little threat to ourselves or loved ones; yet when we are in a situation where we should be anxious, i.e. when we are crossing the street at a busy intersection in Manhattan while texting on our cell phones, and not paying attention to the potential of real danger, we don't feel anxious.
Worrying is when we anticipate future events imagining a bad outcome or the worst case scenario. It is helpful to remember that most fears never come true, anxiety will pass, and unpleasant and bad events that take place in our lives don't always effect us negatively. We are more capable of enduring rough times than we think.
Self-confidence, self-discipline and self-actualization are our allies. Self control gives you the strength to master your thoughts in order to have the power of a calm mind.
Since no mental or emotional stress is more severe than facing the tough and dangerous situations on the battlefield, I would like to present certain psychophysiological techniques that the military uses to prepare soldiers for the stress of combat.
Physical Fitness Training - Physical fitness programs can increase a person's stress threshold.
Breathing - The Marines teach certain breathing techniques in order to help a soldier control stress during combat. There are a variety of these techniques but most involve taking a deep breath, holding it in and then exhaling slowly. If this technique could work during combat, then think how effective it could be during an anxiety attack.
Posture - Why does the armed forces require soldiers to stand at attention? When standing at attention, your shoulders are back, your head is straight, your stomach is held in and your chest is out. This position is well structured, strong and a healthy way to stand. When soldiers march they move efficiently with their back straight, knees moving up and down and with a controlled gait. When you stand or walk with excellent posture, you look and feel more confident. Confidence overcomes fear.
Psychological Training - Since ancient times military leaders discovered that soldiers will fight harder to protect their comrades than for any country or ideology. The need to protect is genetically built in all of us. sometimes it's even stronger than self preservation, ie. a soldier jumping on a grenade to protect his fellow soldiers while sacrificing his own life. This concept can be used to your advantage. When you are anxious, afraid or worried, master these emotions by acting strong and being the person your family, friends and loved ones will respect.
Fear only has control over you if don't stand up for yourself. Control your mind, body and emotions. Avoid avoidance. Take on new projects and don't quit till you accomplish your goals. Keep going. Taking on difficult tasks and challenges makes a person tougher. Instead of concentrating on what might go wrong, switch your gears and think positively. Be grateful for what you have, use mind over matter. have faith in yourself. Take personal responsibility for your actions. Fix all the kinks in your armor.
In order to control fear, anxiety and worries you must own life, or life will own you.
Don't be afraid to fail. cultivate bravery and courage. Aim for self actualization where you can become the best person you could be. Make your own luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. We have a limited time in life so don't spend the rest of it suffering over foolish things. Relax and enjoy each moment even during the struggling times.
Inner peace begins when you no longer allow a person or event to control your emotions.
About the Author -
Judd Bank is the president and CEO of CPI Investigations, a multi dimensional private investigative firm with offices in Manhattan and New Jersey.
Judd Bank is the president and CEO of CPI Investigations, a multi dimensional private investigative firm with offices in Manhattan and New Jersey.
Mr. Bank is a life long martial artist.