Thursday, March 22, 2018



I believe that understanding human behavior and becoming proficient at surveillance is more of an art form than a science.

Surveillance skills are best learned through experience, however, there are certain psychological concepts, tactics, and techniques that could be quite useful.

Here are five strategies based on zen concepts and in tune with Carl Jung's psychological theories that  you can use in conducting surveillance:


Feeling Attitude - Confident

It is important to clarify your goals and be confident in your skills.  The best way to be confident is through preparation.  Before you conduct a surveillance, you must do your homework.  The first step is to gather information.

Conduct all your computer searches 

Use your databases to find out all you can about your subject
Subject's Criminal History
Residence Verification
Subject's work Address
Vehicle Information

Use Google Maps to  view your subject's location, and familiarize yourself with all the local roads, and all mass transit systems.

Conduct Recon

Before starting your surveillance you should conduct a recon of the subject's location.  Where is the best area in which you will have a superior vantage point?  What type of neighborhood is the subject in?  Should you have to alert the local police of your presence?  How many entry\exit points are around the targeted area?

Get your cover story ready

Think of what you would tell someone who confronts you during your surveillance.
Who are you?  Why are you in the area?.  A good tip is to make business cards in advance of different occupations that would justify your presence at a particular location. Always have a full tank of gas and money on your metro cards in case you have to take mass transit.

Prepare your equipment

Do you need night vision?  Does your camera have a time and date generator?  Do you need to take covert cameras or binoculars?


Feeling Attitude - Adaptability

When you are on a surveillance you have to fit into your environment.  Dress the part, walk, talk and look like the average person in the neighborhood that you are in.  If you are on a foot surveillance, bring a reversible bag carrying a change of jacket, sunglasses and a cap, in order to change your appearance to adapt to your environment.  If you should have to use a cover story, keep it in the confines of what you know, so you can talk about it naturally while keeping a safe distance from revealing the pertinent information that you don't want to give away.


Feeling Attitude - Evasiveness, Concealment

When conducting your surveillance, it is imperative to blend in with your environment.  Your mental state must be that of being invisible.  What I mean by this, is not being perceivable.  In this strategy you must avoid direct confrontation.  For example, during a vehicular surveillance, drive a common boring vehicle in order to disappear in your environment.  Imbed yourself in your surroundings, in a boring and bland way.  During a foot surveillance, try to sit down when you can, this will give you a less noticeable appearance.  If you are in the Metropolitan area, you may consider taking a vantage point at a bus stop with other people so you can easily blend in.


Feeling Attitude -Aggressiveness 
                             Committed Spirit

When conducting a surveillance in a vehicle or on foot, don't always be conservative.  Sometimes instead of keeping a car in front of you and the subject, pull up right beside or ahead. The main idea of this, is not to fall into any patterns.

If someone confronts you, and asks you, "who are you?" or "what are you doing here?", sometimes it is best to take the offensive.  ("None of your business")


Feeling Attitude - Creativity
                              Self Expression
                              Subtle communication with others

Being creative on the moment or thinking on your feet.  An example would be when Indiana Jones is in trouble, and comes up with an unorthodox way of getting himself and others out the dangerous situation.

A good example of this might be from an investigation  I conducted many years ago.  The goal of this investigation was to observe and record drug transactions at a known trap house (drug dealing location)   I was in a building across the street where I had a great vantage point enabling me to observe  activity outside the trap house without being detected.  My partner was in the street in close proximity to the drug trafficking location. I suddenly realized that he had been spotted by the subjects, so I alerted him through radio communication.  What he did next was unorthodox and interesting.  He began to urinate on a public building.  The drug dealers apparently believed that my partner was a bum.  They couldn't conceive that an investigator, police officer or agent that would behave in such a manner and so they continued their illegal activity. Now that's thinking on your feet.

In conclusion, it is extremely important that an investigator be in control of his or her environment.

Helpful Tips in order to control yourself and your environment.

I believe that all investigators should be well trained in:

                               Weapons Retention
                               Martial Arts
                               Self Defense
                               Conflict Resolution Techniques  (verbal judo)

These skills are necessary in order to protect yourself and others during your surveillance investigation.  This training needs to be on a regular basis. Since the nature of surveillance requires waiting several hours with no activity and then suddenly all hell breaks loose! You should be aware that this psycho-physiological experience will probable trigger your body to go into the fight or flight mode.   This State will cause your system to produce certain chemicals like nor-adrenaline and cortisone.  The best way for your body to deal with these chemicals is to exercise on a regular basis.  You can also use certain control breathing exercises in order to calm your body down in order to take that money shot.

About the Author:

Judd Bank
President & CEO of CPI Investigations
Former Detective for Queens District Attorney's Office
Life Long Martial Artist


  1. Good, helpful information for a newbe or old timer. We never stop learning and need to refresh what we know regularly.

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  3. Thanks for sharing this synopsis of info. Looking back I realize how I could have made a better surveillance in some cases if I had access to this back then.
